Attachment 1 - DR24-019 location map
In compliance with Zoning Code Section 20-62, the decision of the Zoning Administrator is final unless an appeal is filed on a
within 10 calendar days of the action. The time limit will extend to the following business day where the last day falls on a day
that the City is not open for business.
The City of Santa Rosa does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities in its employment, services, benefits,
facilities, programs, or activities. Requests for accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services necessary to participate in a City
program, service, or activity, including printed information in alternate formats, are available by contacting the Recording
Secretary at 707-543-3226 (TTY Relay at 711). Requests should be submitted as far in advance as possible, but no later than
two business days before the scheduled meeting.
Any writings or documents provided to the Zoning Administrator prior to this meeting regarding any item on this agenda are
Development Department, Room 3, City Hall, 100 Santa Rosa Ave, during normal business hours.