priority Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFB's). The motion carried
by the following vote:
8 -
Chair Badenfort, Vice Chair Ridlington, Board Member Hart, Board
Member McKenzie, Board Member Prindle, Board Member Narath,
Board Member Schwarz and Board Member Warne
REPORT - Vision Zero Implementation Plan Annual Update
BACKGROUND: Staff will provide an update on implementation of
Santa Rosa’s Vision Zero Implementation Plan for the Sonoma County
Vision Zero Action.
RECOMMENDATION: No action is required. Board may provide input
on implementation of the Vision Zero Implementation Plan.
Chris Guenther stated that more staff resources are needed to do
the job more quickly. He spoke in favor of the table and metrics to
illustrate next steps, how much work has been done and needs to
be done.
Steve Birdlebaugh stated the at-grade crossing at Jennings Avenue
is a good example to get bicyclists and pedestrians off of
Guerneville Road and a step in the right direction.
Alexa Forrester expressed concern about the College Avenue
crossing and prefers something more substantial to protect
pedestrians. She also gave information about a training program for
bus drivers in Brazil she thought might be helpful for CityBus
This item was received and filed.
REPORT - Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
(CBPAC) Citizen Appointment
BACKGROUND: Assigning a citizen representative to the CBPAC.
RECOMMENDATION: The Board shall, by motion, assign a citizen
representative to the CBPAC.
Emily Shartin stated that no one from the Sonoma County Bicycle
Coalition is on the CBPAC.
A motion was made by Chair Badenfort, seconded by Board Member
Schwarz, to nominate Board Member McKenzie as the citizen
representative to the CBPAC, with the possibility of having a back up
representative or rotating assignment to be discussed in the future. The
motion carried unanimously.