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File #: 23-0495    Version: 1 Name: Short Term Rentals Ordinance Second Reading Pt. 2
Type: CC- Consent - Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/13/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/25/2023 Final action: 7/25/2023
Title: ORDINANCE ADOPTION - SECOND READING (PART 2 OF 2) - ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA ADOPTING ZONING CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 20 OF THE SANTA ROSA CITY CODE, CHAPTER 20-48, SHORT-TERM RENTALS, TO REVISE AND ADD NEW DEFINITIONS AND POLICIES, AND TO INCORPORATE TECHNICAL CHANGES TO IMPROVE FUNCTIONALITY AND AID IN IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT; FILE NUMBER REZ23-001 RECOMMENDATION: This ordinance, introduced at the June 6, 2023, Regular Meeting by a 6-1-0 vote (Fleming no), amends Title 20 of the Santa Rosa City Code, Chapter 20-48, Short-Term Rentals, to revise and add new definitions and policies, and to incorporate technical changes to improve functionality and aid in implementation and enforcement. It is recommended by the Planning Commission and the Planning and Economic Development Department that the Council hold a second reading and adopt an ordinance amending the text of Title 20 of the Santa Rosa City Code, Chapter 20-48, Short-Term Rentals (STRs), t...
Sponsors: Planning and Economic Development
Indexes: Exempt Project
Code sections: 15061(b)(3) - General Rule Exemption, 15378 - Not a Project
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Attachment 1 - Public Correspondence, 3. Ordinance, 4. Late Correspondence (Uploaded 07-25-2023), 5. Late Correspondence (Uploaded 07-26-2023), 6. Ordinance - Redlined (Uploaded 07-28-2023), 7. Ordinance (Uploaded 07-28-2023), 8. Ordinance - Final redlined (8/2/2023), 9. Ordinance - Final (uploaded 8/2/2023)
Related files: 21-022ED, 21-024ED, 22-008ED, 22-010ED, 22-0558, 22-030SRT, 23-0101, 23-0461
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
7/25/20231 City Council directed staff toPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
7/25/20231 City Council directed staff toPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
7/25/20231 City Council directed staff toPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
7/25/20231 City Council directed staff toPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
7/25/20231 City Council to waive reading of the text and adopt as amendedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video