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File #: 19-0561    Version: 1 Name: CAB Strategic Plan
Type: CC- Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/16/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 8/6/2019 Final action: 8/6/2019
Title: REPORT - COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD FIVE-YEAR STRATEGIC ROADMAP BACKGROUND: In 2002, Section 10 was added to the City Charter, which stated that Council shall appoint a task force to recommend to the Council approaches to greatly increase citizen and neighborhood participation and responsibility. The Council appointed this task force which developed recommendations for Council’s consideration and created the Community Advisory Board (CAB) through the adoption of Resolution No. 25805 on October 28, 2003. On August 7, 2012, the City Council approved Resolution No. 28174, which established the roles, duties and areas for the CAB per Section 10(b) of the City Charter. The duties and responsibilities established in the Resolution No. 28174 were: 1. Issues of concern to residents of the City (Public Safety and others); 2. Budget Priorities for Capital Improvement Projects; 3. Participation in neighborhood planning meetings; 4. Strengthen public involvement process; 5. Building community; a...
Sponsors: Community Engagement
Indexes: Not a Project
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Staff Report (Uploaded 8/5/2019), 3. Attachment 1 - Stakeholder Interviews and Focus Group Summary Report, 4. Resolution, 5. Exhibit A, 6. Presentation, 7. Presentation (uploaded 8/5/2019)
Related files: 24-041CAB