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File #:
Update On PG&E’s Potter Valley Project
CC- Study Session
Agenda Ready
On agenda:
Final action:
In July 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) accepted Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) proposed 30-month schedule to prepare and submit a license surrender application and decommissioning plan for the Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project (Project), which is located along the Eel River and diverts water into the East Fork Russian River providing water supply to Sonoma Water. PG&E will continue operating the Project under annual FERC licenses in the interim, but it remains unclear whether diversions from the Eel River to Russian River will continue after decommissioning of the Project. Sonoma Water and a collection of regional partners are initiating a collaborative process - the Russian River Water Forum - that aims to preserve the flow of water from the Project into the Russian River while also fostering collaboration to support water supply resiliency in the Russian River watershed. Santa Rosa’s Water Advisory Committee...
Code sections:
15061(b)(3) - General Rule Exemption, 15378 - Not a Project