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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/30/2018 2:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Council Chamber 100 Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-0068 12.1Purchase of a property for a park under class 16CC- Closed SessionCONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54956.8) Property: 1370 Burbank Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 APN: 125-252-003 Agency Negotiator: Jill Scott, Right-of-Way Agent Negotiating Parties: Jesse Mc Cafferty, Barbara Hare Under Negotiations: Price and terms of payment.   Action details Not available
18-0048 13.1Board InterviewsCC- AppointmentINTERVIEWS FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES The Council will interview applicants to fill vacancies on the following committee: Waterways Advisory Committee - to fill four at-large positions each to serve a four-year term expiring on December 31, 2021.conductedPass Action details Not available
18-0046 18.1Fire Recovery RebuildCC- Staff BriefingFIRE RECOVERY AND REBUILD UPDATEreceived and filed  Action details Video Video
17-1106 19.1CA 3rd & 4th Quarter 2017 ReportCC- CMO/CAO ReportQUARTERLY REPORT OF SETTLEMENTS AND ACTIVE LITIGATION The City Attorney will report on settlements over $50,000 within the third and fourth quarter of 2017 (07/01/2017 - 12/31/2017) as well as provide a summary of pending litigation against the City.received and filed  Action details Video Video
17-0592 112.1Draft Minutes 11/7CC- MinutesNovember 7, 2017, Special Joint City and County Meeting.Approved as submitted.  Action details Video Video
18-0051 113.1Grant Application to FEMA for EKG MonitorsCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) FOR FUNDING OF 12-LEAD EKG MONITORS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Santa Rosa Fire Department (SRFD) that the Council, by resolution, 1) authorize staff to submit a grant application to FEMA for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) in the total amount of $677,170.79 for the purchase of seventeen EKG monitors, associated equipment, and a service contract; 2) authorize the Fire Chief or his designee to accept the grant award and approve and execute all documents and agreements related to the grant, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney; and 3) authorize the Chief Financial Officer to appropriate funds into the project account by the amount of the grant award.adoptedPass Action details Not available
18-0035 113.2Socrata 1yr Agmt 2018CC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - DIGITAL GOVERNMENT / OPEN DATA AGREEMENT WITH SOCRATA, INC. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Information Technology Department that the Council, by resolution, approve a 1-Year Agreement with Socrata, Inc., Seattle, WA, in the amount of $155,298.60.adoptedPass Action details Not available
18-0037 115.1Housing First Fund, and Housing First Homeless Services and Family Support CentersCC- ReportREPORT - ESTABLISH A HOUSING FIRST FUND (LANDLORD INCENTIVES, RISK MITIGATION, TENANT ASSISTANCE), AND HOUSING FIRST HOMELESS SERVICES AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTERS BACKGROUND: On July 11, 2017, Council, by motion, confirmed its direction on homeless services programing, including but not limited to the creation of a fund to provide landlord incentives, risk mitigation, and tenant assistance (Housing First Fund). Staff has collaborated with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa (Catholic Charities) to develop a budget, in the amount of $534,000, and is seeking Council’s interest in supporting a Housing First Fund. On November 14, 2017, Council approved a Grant Agreement for Homeless Services Center with Catholic Charities, in the amount of $100,000, for the period of November 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 to expand the program’s hours of operation as part of the City’s Homeless Encampment Assistance Pilot Program. Council also directed staff to return with a budget and program to align the Homeless Services Center with the Housing First model for further consideration. Ba to waive reading of the text and adoptFail Action details Video Video
18-0037 115.1Housing First Fund, and Housing First Homeless Services and Family Support CentersCC- ReportREPORT - ESTABLISH A HOUSING FIRST FUND (LANDLORD INCENTIVES, RISK MITIGATION, TENANT ASSISTANCE), AND HOUSING FIRST HOMELESS SERVICES AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTERS BACKGROUND: On July 11, 2017, Council, by motion, confirmed its direction on homeless services programing, including but not limited to the creation of a fund to provide landlord incentives, risk mitigation, and tenant assistance (Housing First Fund). Staff has collaborated with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa (Catholic Charities) to develop a budget, in the amount of $534,000, and is seeking Council’s interest in supporting a Housing First Fund. On November 14, 2017, Council approved a Grant Agreement for Homeless Services Center with Catholic Charities, in the amount of $100,000, for the period of November 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 to expand the program’s hours of operation as part of the City’s Homeless Encampment Assistance Pilot Program. Council also directed staff to return with a budget and program to align the Homeless Services Center with the Housing First model for further consideration. Ba to waive reading of the text and adopt as amendedFail Action details Video Video
18-0037 115.1Housing First Fund, and Housing First Homeless Services and Family Support CentersCC- ReportREPORT - ESTABLISH A HOUSING FIRST FUND (LANDLORD INCENTIVES, RISK MITIGATION, TENANT ASSISTANCE), AND HOUSING FIRST HOMELESS SERVICES AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTERS BACKGROUND: On July 11, 2017, Council, by motion, confirmed its direction on homeless services programing, including but not limited to the creation of a fund to provide landlord incentives, risk mitigation, and tenant assistance (Housing First Fund). Staff has collaborated with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa (Catholic Charities) to develop a budget, in the amount of $534,000, and is seeking Council’s interest in supporting a Housing First Fund. On November 14, 2017, Council approved a Grant Agreement for Homeless Services Center with Catholic Charities, in the amount of $100,000, for the period of November 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 to expand the program’s hours of operation as part of the City’s Homeless Encampment Assistance Pilot Program. Council also directed staff to return with a budget and program to align the Homeless Services Center with the Housing First model for further consideration. Ba to waive reading of the text and adopt as amendedPass Action details Video Video
18-0038 115.2Shelter Expansion - Housing First-Focused Safe Parkeing and Camping, CHAPCC- ReportREPORT - HOUSING FIRST-FOCUSED SAFE PARKING AND CAMPING, COMMUNITY HOMELESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (CHAP) BACKGROUND: On November 21, 2017, Council confirmed its interest in exploring Safe Parking and Camping, specifically a Housing First-focused program on a single City-sponsored site plus support to sites on private property through the Community Homeless Assistance Program (CHAP), which allows for safe parking and camping among other activities, and directed staff to return with a program proposal for further consideration. Staff has consulted with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa (Catholic Charities), former operator of a Safe Parking Program, to develop a preliminary program model with cost estimates and is seeking confirmation from Council regarding its interest to support a Housing First-focused Safe Parking and Camping Program plus support to private sites as part of the Community Homeless Assistance Program (CHAP). RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing and Community Services Department that the Council, by motion, provide direction on shelter expaCouncil directed staff to [ENTER DIRECTION HERE] and no action was taken by Council.Fail Action details Video Video
18-0038 115.2Shelter Expansion - Housing First-Focused Safe Parkeing and Camping, CHAPCC- ReportREPORT - HOUSING FIRST-FOCUSED SAFE PARKING AND CAMPING, COMMUNITY HOMELESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (CHAP) BACKGROUND: On November 21, 2017, Council confirmed its interest in exploring Safe Parking and Camping, specifically a Housing First-focused program on a single City-sponsored site plus support to sites on private property through the Community Homeless Assistance Program (CHAP), which allows for safe parking and camping among other activities, and directed staff to return with a program proposal for further consideration. Staff has consulted with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa (Catholic Charities), former operator of a Safe Parking Program, to develop a preliminary program model with cost estimates and is seeking confirmation from Council regarding its interest to support a Housing First-focused Safe Parking and Camping Program plus support to private sites as part of the Community Homeless Assistance Program (CHAP). RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing and Community Services Department that the Council, by motion, provide direction on shelter expadirected staff toFail Action details Video Video
18-0017 116.1Baldi Corner PrezoningCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - BALDI CORNER ANNEXATION PREZONING - 43, 77, AND 91 MIDDLE RINCON ROAD & 4785, 4801, 4847, AND 4865 HIGHWAY 12 - FILE NO. ANX17-003 BACKGROUND: This project proposes Prezoning of 9 parcels to accommodate a 7.9-acre annexation of the existing County island near the intersection of Middle Rincon Road and Highway 12. No new development or construction is proposed. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning and Economic Development Department and the Planning Commission that Council, by resolution, introduce an ordinance to Prezone the properties located at 43, 77, and 91 Middle Rincon Road and 4785, 4801, 4847, and 4865 Highway 12 to the R-1-6 (Single-family Residential) and CG (General Commercial) zoning districts to accommodate the proposed Baldi Corner annexation.continued the public hearing  Action details Not available
18-0078 121.1Upcoming Meetings ListCC- Upcoming MeetingsUPCOMING MEETINGS LISTreceived and filed  Action details Not available