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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/5/2024 3:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Council Chamber, 100 Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0153 13.1Closed Session - Conference with Labor NegotiatorsCC- Closed SessionCONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6) Agency Designated Representatives: Maraskeshia Smith, City Manager; Alan Alton, Chief Financial Officer; Dominique Blanquie, Human Resources Director; Siara Goyer, Employee Relations Manager; and Burke Dunphy of Sloan Sakai Yeung & Wong LLP. Employee Organizations: Santa Rosa Firefighters Association - Local 1401 (representing City Employee Unit 2); Operating Engineers Local 3, Maintenance and Utility System Operators (Employee Units 3 and 16); Santa Rosa City Employees Association (Employee Units 4, 6, 7); Santa Rosa Police Officers Association, (Employee Unit 5); Service Employees International Union Local 1021, (Employee Units 8 and 14); Public Safety Management Association (Employee Unit 9); Executive Management (Employee Unit 10); Middle Management (Employee Unit 11); Confidential (Employee Unit 12); Mechanics (Employee Unit 13); City Attorney (Employee Unit 15); Santa Rosa City Attorneys’ Association (Employee Unit 17), Santa Rosa Management Association (Employee Unit 18).received and filed  Action details Video Video
24-0165 17.1Proclamation - Red Cross MonthCC- ProclamationPROCLAMATION - RED CROSS MONTHpresented  Action details Video Video
24-0182 17.2Arbor WeekCC- ProclamationPROCLAMATION - ARBOR WEEKpresented  Action details Video Video
24-0183 17.3National Women's History MonthCC- ProclamationPROCLAMATION - NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTHpresented  Action details Video Video
24-0179 18.1Community Empowerment Plan UpdateCC- Staff BriefingCOMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT PLAN This will be a standing item on the agenda. No action will be taken except for possible direction to staff.   Action details Video Video
24-0196 112.1Draft Minutes 02/13/2024CC- MinutesFebruary 13, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes.Approved as submitted.  Action details Video Video
24-0163 113.1Homeless Emergency ExtensionCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - EXTENSION OF PROCLAMATION OF HOMELESS EMERGENCY RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing and Community Services Department that the Council, by resolution, approve an extension of Resolution No. 28839 which formally proclaimed a local homeless emergency within Santa Rosa.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0170 113.2PSA with Disability Access Consultants, LLCCC- Consent - MotionRESOLUTION - APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH DISABILITY ACCESS CONSULTANTS, LLC RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Human Resources Department that the Council, by resolution, approve a Professional Services Agreement with Disability Access Consultants, LLC of Oroville, California, to provide updates to the Americans with Disabilities Act Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan in an amount not to exceed amount of $398,046.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0193 113.3Colgan Creek Grant Phase 3CC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOARD FOR THE LOWER COLGAN CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT - PHASE 3 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by Santa Rosa Water that the Council, by resolution, 1) approve a grant application to the Wildlife Conservation Board for the construction, public art, and installation of a large-scale monarch and pollinator habitat for the Lower Colgan Creek Restoration Project - Phase 3; 2) authorize the Santa Rosa Water Director (Director) to submit a grant application; 3) authorize the Director to accept the grant and execute the Grant Agreement and amendments thereto, and all other agreements or documents necessary for the completion of the project, subject to approval by the City Attorney; and 4) authorize the Chief Financial Officer to increase appropriations by the approved grant award.adopted  Action details Not available
24-0172 115.1Integrated Pest Management PolicyCC- ReportREPORT - RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CITY-WIDE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT POLICY BACKGROUND: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a science-based approach to reduce the quantity of harmful pesticides used in landscape management. The key reasons cited for developing IPM policies are to reduce impacts on humans and the environment. The purpose of an IPM policy is to design landscapes that are naturally resistant to pests and utilize non-chemical controls where possible. This includes installing pest-resistant species, controlling weeds with mulch and dense plantings, mechanical removal with powered equipment or grazing animals, and only using chemical controls when all other methods have been determined to not be effective in eliminating the pests to the desired levels. IPM policies typically specify using the least toxic pesticide first before applying more toxic pesticides. The proposed IPM policy will ensure the greatest protection to city staff and the community when managing pests. The policy provides clear guidance on the management of pests on city-owned landscapes, direction on to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0219 1 Late CorrespondenceCC- CommunicationLATE CORRESPONDENCEreceived and filed  Action details Not available
24-0118 116.1Development Related Cost Of Service Fee UpdateCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - DEVELOPMENT RELATED COST OF SERVICE FEE UPDATE BACKGROUND: The Planning and Economic Development Department has contracted with MGT Consulting to perform a cost of service study analyzing the full labor and indirect costs associated with providing development review services such as application processing, plan review, long range planning, and construction inspections. The study is being utilized to set the foundation for a comprehensive update to the Planning and Economic Development Department’s service fee schedule. Staff is recommending that the Council adopt development service fees to reflect the changes in fee descriptions, the removal of obsolete fee categories and the full cost rates identified within the cost of service study, with an effective date of July 1, 2024. In addition, the Planning and Economic Development Department is recommending the adoption of specific general fund supported subsidies to reduce fees on certain application and service types that support City Council development goals. The proposed reductions also focus on increasing partici to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0178 121.1Upcoming Meetings ListCC- Upcoming MeetingsUPCOMING MEETINGS LIST   Action details Not available