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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/16/2016 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Hall, Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-0946 15.1Attendance Awareness MonthCC- ProclamationPROCLAMATION - SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AWARENESS MONTH   Not available Not available
16-1016 111.1SRTC Donation for Galvin Park Tennis CourtsCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - DONATION FROM THE SANTA ROSA TENNIS CLUB TO RESURFACE COURTS 9 AND 10 AT GALVIN PARK RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Recreation and Parks Department that the Council, by resolution, accept a $8,500 donation from the Santa Rosa Tennis Club and authorize the Chief Financial Officer to appropriate the donated funding to resurface courts 9 and 10 at Galvin Park.   Not available Not available
16-1017 111.2Addition of 1.25 FTE to Code EnforcementCC- Consent - ResolutionREPORT - AMENDMENT TO THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN TO ADD 1.25 FTE TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT BACKGROUND: The Housing and Community Services Department proposes to increase staff support to the Code Enforcement Division to close a backlog of open Category 3 (Nuisance) code violations, which will allow current Code Enforcement Officers to concentrate on resolving Category 2 cases (Illegal Construction, Non-Life/Safety Substandard Housing, Illegal Units, etc.) and moving unresolved cases to Administrative Hearing. A one-year limited term Housing and Community Services Technician position is proposed to manage the backlog of Category 3 cases. Increasing the existing Senior Administrative Assistant position from 0.75 FTE to 1.0 FTE is proposed to support the Administrative Hearing process. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing and Community Services Department and the Human Resources Department that the Council, by resolution, amend the Classification and Salary Plan to: 1) add one (1) Housing and Community S   Not available Not available
16-1015 111.3Courthouse Square Reunification Project - CrosswalksCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - COURTHOUSE SQUARE REUNIFICATION PROJECT - AUTHORIZATION TO INSTALL AND REMOVE TEMPORARY MID-BLOCK CROSSWALKS ON FOURTH STREET RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the Council, by resolution, authorize installation of temporary mid-block crosswalks on Fourth Street at the east and west sides of the Square.   Not available Not available
16-1045 111.4City Manager Salary OrdinanceCC- Consent - OrdinanceORDINANCE ADOPTION - ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA ESTABLISHING SALARY AND OTHER COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS FOR THE CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: This ordinance, introduced at the August 9, 2016, Regular Meeting by a 6-0-1 vote (Council Member Carlstrom absent), establishes salary and other compensation and benefits for the City Manager.   Not available Not available
16-1033 113.1Rent Stabilization Ordinance AdoptionCC- ReportREPORT - CONSIDERATION FOR ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA ADDING CHAPTER 6-90 TO THE SANTA ROSA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING 1) RESIDENTIAL RENT STABILIZATION AND OTHER TENANT PROTECTIONS FOR CERTAIN RENTAL UNITS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA; 2) A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY CONCERNING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR CERTAIN RENTAL UNITS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA; AND 3) REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATES FOR PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION THROUGH JUNE 30, 2017 BACKGROUND: On May 3, 2016, City Council directed staff to present to the Council legislation that would limit annual rent increases and limit termination of tenancies for “just cause.” On May 17, 2016 the City Council acted to preserve immediately the public health, safety and general welfare to adopt interim Ordinance No. 4063, imposing a 45 day moratorium on rent increases within the City of Santa Rosa, and directed staff to draft a comprehensive rent stabilization program. On July 7, 2016, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 4067, an urgency ordinance enacting a further 90 day moratorium on certain resi   Not available Not available
16-1034 113.2Ordinance - Just Cause EvictionCC- Consent - OrdinanceREPORT - ORDINANCE ADOPTION - AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA REQUIRING JUST CAUSE FOR TENANT EVICTIONS IN THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA (This item was continued from the August 2, 2016, Regular Meeting) BACKGROUND: At the August 2, 2016, Regular Meeting, Council Member Combs made a motion to reconsider this item to the August 16, 2016, Regular Meeting. The motion to reconsider was carried by 5-0-1-1 (Vice Mayor Schwedhelm, Council Members Combs, Coursey, Olivares, Wysocky voting yes; Mayor Sawyer abstained/recused and Council Member Carlstrom absent). RECOMMENDATION: This ordinance, introduced at the July 19, 2016, Regular Meeting by a 4-2-0-1 vote (Vice Mayor Schwedhelm, Council Member Olivares voting no; Mayor Sawyer absent/recused), would require just cause for evictions in the City of Santa Rosa.   Not available Not available
16-0991 113.3Reimagining FinalCC- ReportREPORT - REIMAGINING CITYBUS-ROUTE 4A/4B AND ROUTE 11 FINAL ALIGNMENTS BACKGROUND: This item relates to three elements of the Reimagining CityBus Final Plan that were not included in the action to adopt the plan taken by the City Council at its June 7, 2016 meeting: (1) the western terminus of Route 11; (2) the eastern terminus of Route 11; and (3) the alignment of Route 4A/4B service in the Memorial Hospital area. Transit Division staff conducted additional analysis and outreach and will present options and staff recommendations for these remaining elements of the Reimagining CityBus Final Plan. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the Council, by resolution, adopt the original proposal for the Route 4A/4B alignment, the original proposal for the western terminus of Route 11, and an extension of the eastern terminus of Route 11 to Stagecoach Road and Fountaingrove Parkway.   Not available Not available
16-0999 114.1Storm Water AssessmentCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - PLACEMENT OF THE ANNUAL STORM WATER ENTERPRISE CHARGES ON THE SONOMA COUNTY PROPERTY TAX ROLL BACKGROUND: The City of Santa Rosa was required under the federal Clean Water Act to obtain and comply with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (Storm Water Permit). To comply with permit requirements and to control and reduce flooding, property damage, erosion, and storm water quality degradation in the City, the Council, in 1996, added Title 16 to the City Code, which created a Storm Water Enterprise and Utility (“Storm Water Enterprise”) as an agency of the City. Under Title 16, the City Council was authorized to prescribe and collect charges (special assessments) for the services and facilities of the enterprise. The Council’s intention to collect the Storm Water Enterprise charges on the Sonoma County Property Tax Roll was stated in Resolution 22880, which levied the annual charges. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Departments of Water a   Not available Not available
16-1008 114.2WEED ABATEMENT ANNUAL PROGRAM REPORTCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - SANTA ROSA FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM REPORT BACKGROUND: Santa Rosa City Code section Chapter 9.08 requires a public hearing to hear objections to the cost of weeds and/or rubbish abatement. The City Council grants or overrules such protests. The City Council, by resolution, may confirm the itemized report of the costs of abatement. The City Council authorizes the Santa Rosa Fire Department, County Auditor and Tax Collector to enact a special assessment as a lien upon respective parcels subject to the weed and rubbish abatement program. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council, by resolution, ratify and confirm the itemized report of the Fire Department of the cost of weed and rubbish abatement as provided for in Sections 9-08.020, 9-08-080, and 9-08.090 of the Santa Rosa City Code.   Not available Not available
16-1047 115.1State of emergency on homeless - letter to GovernorCC- CommunicationREQUEST FOR GUBERNATORIAL DECLARATION OF STATEWIDE STATE OF HOMELESS EMERGENCY - Provided for information.   Not available Not available
16-1048 119.1Upcoming Meetings ListCC- Upcoming MeetingsUPCOMING MEETINGS LIST   Not available Not available