| 1 | 5.1 | Draft Minutes | BPA- Agenda Item | August 29, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes. | | |
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| 1 | 7.1 | FY 2025-2026 TPW Work Plan | BPA- Agenda Item | REPORT - Fiscal Year 2025/2026 Transportation and Public Works Work Plan
BACKGROUND: The Board may consider the Fiscal Year 2025/2026 Transportation and Public Works Work Plan for active transportation projects.
RECOMMENDATION: No action is required. The Board may provide input on the TPW Work Plan Projects and on overall project prioritization for the project team to consider for the ATP and for the CIP
re-prioritization process. | | |
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| 1 | 7.2 | ATP Projects-Phase 2 Outreach | BPA- Agenda Item | REPORT - Draft Recommended Projects for the Active Transportation Plan (ATP) and Phase 2 of Public Outreach
BACKGROUND: Staff will present the draft recommended projects for the Active Transportation Plan and the Board will learn about Phase 2 of public outreach.
RECOMMENDATION: This item is for Board discussion and feedback on the recommended projects. | | |
Not available
Not available