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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/12/2024 4:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Council Chamber, 100 Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0792 18.1Community Empowerment Plan UpdateCC- Staff BriefingCOMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT PLAN UPDATE This is a standing item on the agenda. No action will be taken except for possible direction to staff.received and filed  Action details Video Video
24-0801 111.2.1Mayor's Appointments to County, State and Regional PositionsCC- Mayor/Council Member ReportMayor’s Appointments to County, Regional and State Positions Appointments to county, regional and state bodies on which the City is represented per City Charter section 15. Mayor N. Rogers may announce the appointment of Shawn Kara as the alternate member to Zero Waste Sonoma and request Council approval of this selection.approvedPass Action details Video Video
24-0822 111.2.2HA Commissioner LOACC- Mayor/Council Member ReportAPPROVAL OF BOARD MEMBER LEAVE OF ABSENCE Housing Authority Commissioner Wayne Downey requested a leave of absence from October 7, 2024 through December 2024. Per Council Policy 000-06 - Appointments to Boards/Commissions/Committees, section J3, the Council may grant an approved leave of absence and the Council may appoint a temporary person to fill the position. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing Authority Executive Director and the City Clerk, that the Council, by motion, approve the leave of absence for Commissioner Downey through the end of December 2024, and approve a temporary person to fill the position upon completion of interviews of those applications on file for the Housing Authority to fill the seat throughout the term of the leave of absence.approvedPass Action details Video Video
24-0794 112.110/22/2024 Regular Meeting Minutes - DraftCC- MinutesOctober 22, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes.Approved as submitted.  Action details Video Video
24-0788 113.1Issue Design-Build RFPs-Energy Conservation-ProgramCC- Consent - MotionMOTION - AUTHORITY TO ISSUE DESIGN-BUILD REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION AND EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the Council, by motion, approve the use of the Design-Build procurement method as in the best interest of the City and authorize issuance of a Request for Proposals for energy conservation and efficiency improvements. This project aligns with the City’s climate action goals by incorporating solar photovoltaic systems, battery storage, and energy efficiency upgrades at municipal facilities, in line with the City’s commitment to sustainability and resilience.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0781 113.2Approval of Second Amendment to Blanket Purchase Order 166149 for the Purchase of Automotive Parts and SuppliesCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - APPROVAL OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER 166149 FOR THE PURCHASE OF AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND SUPPLIES RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works and Finance Departments that the Council, by resolution, approve the Second Amendment to Blanket Purchase Order 166149 with Smothers Parts International, Inc., Santa Rosa, California, for the purchase of automotive parts and supplies, to add funds and increase compensation in the amount of $150,000 for a total amount not to exceed of $597,000.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0787 113.3FTA Grant AuthorizationCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - AUTHORIZATION TO FILE APPLICATIONS FOR FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION FORMULA FUNDS AND SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FUNDS FOR FY2025 AND FY2026 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the Council, by resolution, authorize the City Manager or designee to execute and file the annual grant applications with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Federal Transit Administration Formula Program and Surface Transportation Program funding for fixed route operating, ADA paratransit operating, fixed route preventive maintenance, and bus purchase projects for FYs 2025 and 2026 and committing up to $5,028,268 in local matching funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0796 113.4Second Amendment with Catholic CharitiesCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - SECOND AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NUMBER F002419A WITH CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE DIOCESE OF SANTA ROSA FOR THE INRESPONSE PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Police Department that the Council, by resolution: 1) approve the Second Amendment to Professional Services Agreement Number F002419A with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa to provide services for the inRESPONSE Mental Health Support Team extending the term of the agreement to November 1, 2029 and increasing the total contract amount to $4,090,561; and 2) delegate authority to the City Manager or designee to execute the agreement.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0807 113.5Technical Service ManagerCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - AMENDMENT TO THE CITY’S CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN CREATING THE CLASSIFICATION OF TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER AND ADDING 2 FTE; ELIMINATING 1 TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER, 1 COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFICER, AND 1 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Police Department and the Human Resources Department that the Council, by resolution, amend the City Classification and Salary Plan to: 1) create the classification of Technical Services Manager with a salary range of $115,900- $148,916 annually in Unit 18 - Miscellaneous Mid-Management; 2) add 2.0 FTE Technical Services Managers; and 3) eliminate 1.0 FTE Technical Services Division Manager, 1.0 FTE Community Services Officer, and 1.0 FTE Senior Administrative Assistant.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0804 113.6Amendment to BPO 164049 with Jet Mulch, Inc.CC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - AMENDMENT TO BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER 164049 TO INCREASE COMPENSATION WITH JET MULCH, INC. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Recreation and Parks (RP) and Finance Departments that the Council, by resolution, approve an amendment to Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) 164049 to add funds and increase compensation in the amount of $44,000 for ASTM Certified (ASTM) Engineered Wood Fiber (EWF) product supply and installation with Jet Mulch, Inc., Soquel, California, (Jet Mulch) for a total amount not to exceed $113,997.75. to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0806 115.1Recology Rate Increase 2025CC- ReportREPORT - APPROVAL OF RATE INCREASE OF 3.4% FOR RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA WHO UTILIZE RECOLOGY SANTA ROSA (RECOLOGY SONOMA MARIN), EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2025 BACKGROUND: The City of Santa Rosa grants Recology Sonoma Marin (Recology) an exclusive franchise agreement for the collection and hauling of solid waste, including the three main streams of recycling, landfill, and organic waste. The City awarded this agreement to Recology Sonoma Marin in November of 2017 through a competitive process. Any rate increase for Santa Rosa Recology customers is subject to City oversight. Staff requested a detailed rate review to ensure Recology is appropriately compensated, but also to ensure Santa Rosa’s residents’ refuse rates are competitive. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the Council, by motion, approve a 3.4% rate increase for City of Santa Rosa customers of Recology Sonoma Marin effective January 1, 2025.approvedPass Action details Video Video
24-0812 115.2CFF Impact Fees - Affordable Housing Pilot ProgramCC- ReportREPORT - AFFORDABLE HOUSING CAPITAL FACILITIES FEE PILOT PROGRAM BACKGROUND: Development impact fees provide a mechanism for new development projects to contribute financially to the cost of improving and expanding the public infrastructure and facilities needed to accommodate that development. Impact fees are commonly used by local agencies throughout California and in many other states as one of many funding sources for capital improvement programs. Impact fees are a one-time, non-recurring revenue source that is typically collected at the completion of a private development project. While development impact fees are necessary to support public infrastructure, the payment of impact fees may constitute a barrier for the construction of affordable housing. The Planning and Economic Development Department has analyzed the existing impact fee program, progress of housing development, and researched other jurisdictions’ responses to this issue, and will present the Affordable Housing Capital Facilities Fee Pilot Program. The program proposes to set the Capital Facilities Fee for cert to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0797 116.1Annual Tobacco Retail License FeeCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - AMEND THE SANTA ROSA FEE SCHEDULE TO ADD AN ANNUAL TOBACCO RETAIL LICENSE FEE (THIS ITEM WAS CONTINUED FROM THE OCTOBER 22, 2024, REGULAR MEETING) BACKGROUND: The City Council will hold a public hearing to consider adding an annual Tobacco Retail License Fee to the Fee Schedule to cover costs associated with compliance monitoring of Chapter 6-20 of the Santa Rosa City Code titled “Regulation of Retail Tobacco Sales”, adopted by Council on August 6, 2024, and in effect on September 7, 2024. Council will be provided with a presentation describing how the proposed fee was developed in compliance with Government Code Section 50076 to ensure it does not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the compliance monitoring activities. The public hearing will provide the public with an opportunity to provide feedback relating to the proposed fee. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the City Manager’s Office that the Council: 1) hold a public hearing to discuss adding an annual Tobacco Retail License Fee; and 2) by resolution, add an annual Tobacco Retail Licens to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0811 116.2Resilient City Text and Zoning Map AmendmentCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - RESILIENT CITY MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS BACKGROUND: The Resilient City (-RC) Combining District was created on October 24, 2017, through an Urgency Ordinance. The Resilient City Development Measures were adopted as an Ordinance on May 11, 2018. Both ordinances were extended to December 31, 2024 to allow staff time to complete a comprehensive update and recommendations. This Zoning Code Text and Map Amendment includes multiple changes across the Zoning Code to incorporate both ordinances and new updates without a sunset date. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning Commission and the Planning and Economic Development Department that the Council introduce three separate ordinances: 1) amending Title 20 of the Santa Rosa City Code to add Chapter 20-35 Resilient City Measures, Remove Chapter 20-16 Resilient City Development Measures, implement multiple sections of Chapter 20-16 into applicable Zoning Code sections, update multiple sections of the Zoning Code, and remove Section 20-28.100 Resilient City ( RC) Combining District; 2) ad to waive reading of the text and introducePass Action details Video Video
24-0811 116.2Resilient City Text and Zoning Map AmendmentCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - RESILIENT CITY MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS BACKGROUND: The Resilient City (-RC) Combining District was created on October 24, 2017, through an Urgency Ordinance. The Resilient City Development Measures were adopted as an Ordinance on May 11, 2018. Both ordinances were extended to December 31, 2024 to allow staff time to complete a comprehensive update and recommendations. This Zoning Code Text and Map Amendment includes multiple changes across the Zoning Code to incorporate both ordinances and new updates without a sunset date. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning Commission and the Planning and Economic Development Department that the Council introduce three separate ordinances: 1) amending Title 20 of the Santa Rosa City Code to add Chapter 20-35 Resilient City Measures, Remove Chapter 20-16 Resilient City Development Measures, implement multiple sections of Chapter 20-16 into applicable Zoning Code sections, update multiple sections of the Zoning Code, and remove Section 20-28.100 Resilient City ( RC) Combining District; 2) ad to waive reading of the text and introducePass Action details Video Video
24-0811 116.2Resilient City Text and Zoning Map AmendmentCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - RESILIENT CITY MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS BACKGROUND: The Resilient City (-RC) Combining District was created on October 24, 2017, through an Urgency Ordinance. The Resilient City Development Measures were adopted as an Ordinance on May 11, 2018. Both ordinances were extended to December 31, 2024 to allow staff time to complete a comprehensive update and recommendations. This Zoning Code Text and Map Amendment includes multiple changes across the Zoning Code to incorporate both ordinances and new updates without a sunset date. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning Commission and the Planning and Economic Development Department that the Council introduce three separate ordinances: 1) amending Title 20 of the Santa Rosa City Code to add Chapter 20-35 Resilient City Measures, Remove Chapter 20-16 Resilient City Development Measures, implement multiple sections of Chapter 20-16 into applicable Zoning Code sections, update multiple sections of the Zoning Code, and remove Section 20-28.100 Resilient City ( RC) Combining District; 2) ad to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0802 117.1Quarterly Attendance ReportCC- CommunicationQUARTERLY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES ATTENDANCE REPORT. Provided for information.received and filed  Action details Video Video
24-0818 117.2Roseland Village Phase 1CC- CommunicationNOTICE OF FINAL MAP - Roseland Village Phase 1 Subdivision: For Council action.received and filed  Action details Not available
24-0793 121.1Upcoming Meetings ListCC- Upcoming MeetingsUPCOMING MEETINGS LISTreceived and filed  Action details Not available