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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/28/2023 3:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Council Chamber, 100 Santa Rosa Avenue
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-0226 12.1Closed Session - Lopez/PasCC- Closed SessionCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) Name of Case: Angelina Lopez, et al. v. City of Santa Rosa, et al. Court Case No. USDC Northern District of California Case No. 3:22-v-05270   Action details Not available
23-0250 16.1American Red Cross MonthCC- ProclamationPROCLAMATION - AMERICAN RED CROSS MONTHpresented  Action details Video Video
23-0309 111.1Draft Minutes 02/14/2023CC- MinutesFebruary 14, 2023, Regular Meeting.Approved as submitted.  Action details Video Video
23-042 112.1Amendment To Purchase Order 162712A With Municipal Emergency Services For Personal Protective EquipmentCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE ORDER 162712A WITH MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES FOR PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Fire and Finance Departments that the Council, by resolution, approve a third amendment to Blanket Purchase Order 162712A with Municipal Emergency Services of San Diego, California for firefighting protection gear, wildland gear, firefighting tools and technical rescue urban search and rescue station wear utilizing the National Purchasing Partners Government cooperative agreement Contract Number PS20070 in an amount not to exceed $450,000 for a total purchase order amount of $944,000 for an additional two-year term under the cooperative agreement between National Purchasing Partners and Municipal Emergency Services with three optional one year extensions.adoptedPass Action details Not available
23-0243 112.2PDA Grant Application for South Santa RosaCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - APPROVE SUBMITTAL OF PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT AREA GRANT APPLICATION AND DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT AND EXECUTE GRANT DOCUMENTS FOR SOUTH SANTA ROSA SPECIFIC PLAN AND EIR RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning and Economic Development Department that the Council, by resolution, 1) approve and ratify City staff’s submittal of an application to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Association of Bay Area Governments for a Priority Development Area Grant for $1,200,000 to prepare the South Santa Rosa Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report; 2) authorize the City Manager or designee, to accept the grant award and execute all Agreements, all related award documents and any amendments thereto required for receiving such grant funds; and 3) appropriate grant funds received to a project key to be established by the Chief Financial Officer.adoptedPass Action details Not available
23-0263 112.3Amendment to Homeless Services Center Grant AgreementCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - AMENDMENT TO HOMELESS SERVICES CENTER GRANT AGREEMENT WITH CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE DIOCESE OF SANTA ROSA FOR WARMING CENTER OPERATIONS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing and Community Services Department that the Council, by resolution: 1) approve the First Amendment to Grant Agreement for Public Service Providers Program Funds Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, increasing the contract by $16,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $252,000 for operations at the Homeless Services Center in response to extreme weather conditions; 2) authorize the Director of Housing and Community Services to execute the First Amendment; and 3) appropriate $16,000 from the Homeless Fund reserves necessary to fund the amendment.adoptedPass Action details Not available
23-0268 112.4Acknowledgement Of Project Completion For Linda Tunis Senior ApartmentsCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PROJECT COMPLETION FOR LINDA TUNIS SENIOR APARTMENTS - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - DISASTER RECOVERY FUNDED, AFFORDABLE SENIOR HOUSING COMPLEX LOCATED AT 600 ACACIA LANE, SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA; A PORTION OF APN 182-520-088 (THIS ITEM HAS BEEN CONTINUED TO A DATE UNCERTAIN) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing and Community Services Department that the Council, by resolution, acknowledge the completion of the Linda Tunis Senior Apartments under the Community Development Block Grant Program - Disaster Recovery administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.No action was taken by the City Council  Action details Not available
23-0240 112.5TDA 3 Grant ApplicationCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT (TDA) ARTICLE 3 GRANT APPLICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works Department that Council, by resolution: 1) request that the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) allocate $185,000 from Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/2024 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 and appropriate funds into the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons Install fund; and 2) authorize the Director of Transportation and Public Works to file the application and other required documents to install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at a minimum of seven locations supported by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board.adoptedPass Action details Not available
23-0241 112.6Meaasure M Co-opCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - MEASURE M COOPERATIVE FUNDING AGREEMENT RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the Council, by resolution: 1) approve and authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute the Measure M Cooperative Funding Agreement No. M70306-A1 with Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) providing $343,000 of Measure M funding to the City for Santa Rosa Avenue Corridor Plan bicycle and pedestrian improvements; and 2) authorize appropriation of Measure M funds received from SCTA for the project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
23-0267 112.7CAD AVL Syncromatics AgreementCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GMV SYNCROMATICS FOR A COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH AND AUTOMATED VEHICLE LOCATION SYSTEM (This Item Has Been Continued To The April 11, 2023 Meeting) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the Council, by resolution, approve a Professional Services Agreement with GMV Syncromatics for a three-year base term and two option years for the total amount of $931,787 for replacement of the Santa Rosa CityBus Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) system.No action was taken by the City Council  Action details Not available
23-0270 114.1Sonoma County Water Agency 2023/24 Water Transmission Budget and Rate IncreaseCC- ReportREPORT - SONOMA COUNTY WATER AGENCY 2023/24 WATER TRANSMISSION BUDGET AND RATE INCREASE BACKGROUND: The City of Santa Rosa purchases approximately 95% of the water supplied to our customers from the Sonoma Water, the region’s water wholesaler. Sonoma Water is proposing to raise the wholesale rate of water by 10.56% from $1,061.04 per acre-foot to $1173.09 per acre foot. There is a Water Advisory Committee (WAC) made up of elected officials of each of the eight prime contractors, including Santa Rosa, that purchase water from Sonoma Water. The WAC is an advisory committee to the Sonoma Water Board of Directors. The City’s WAC Representative is Mayor Natalie Rogers. On April 3, 2023, the WAC is scheduled to vote on whether or not to recommend approval of the Sonoma Water proposed 2023/24 budget and rate increase to the Sonoma Water Board of Directors. The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is made of technical staff of each of the eight prime contractors that purchase water from Sonoma Water. The TAC provides technical analysis and recommendations to the WAC. The TAC consideapprovedPass Action details Video Video
23-0245 115.1Barham RezoningCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - WEST BARHAM AVENUE AND BARHAM AVENUE REZONE BACKGROUND: On January 12, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council the approval and adoption of the rezoning of seven properties situated along West Barham Avenue and Barham Avenue from the Planned Development District to the Light Industrial District, said properties more precisely described as: 125-281-032; 125-281-046; 125-281-035; 037-101-042; 037-101-043; 037-101-015; 037-101-020. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning and Economic Development Department and the Planning Commission that the Council introduce an ordinance to rezone seven (7) parcels located along the north side West Barham Avenue and Barham Avenue (identified as Assessor’s Parcel Nos.125-281-032, 125-281-046,125-281-035, 037-101-042, 037-101-043, 037-101-015, 037-101-020) from Planned Development 96-002 (PD 96-002) Zoning District to the IL (Light Industrial) Zoning District to achieve General Plan consistency. to waive reading of the text and introducePass Action details Video Video
23-0269 115.2TEFRA Public Hearing and Issuance of BondsCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - TEFRA PUBLIC HEARING AND ISSUANCE OF BONDS BY THE CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY IN AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30 MILLION FOR BENNETT VALLEY APARTMENTS - 702 & 716 BENNETT VALLEY ROAD AND 921 & 927 RUTLEDGE AVENUE BACKGROUND: Bennett Valley Apartments, located on the site of the former Bennett Valley Senior Center, is a 62-unit multifamily affordable housing development with a 51% unit set aside for homeless individuals and households located at 702 & 716 Bennett Valley Road and 921 & 927 Rutledge Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA. The Developer selected CMFA to issue the bonds and, as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the Borrower is requesting that the City Council conduct the TEFRA public hearing (Attachment 2). CMFA is a joint powers agency that promotes economic, cultural and community development, through the financing of economic development and charitable activities, including the issuance of taxable and tax- exempt bonds aimed at improving the standard of living throughout California. The City Council approved joining C to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
23-0246 114.2Storage Pro IICC- ReportREPORT - REQUEST FOR SUMMARY VACATION OF ONE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER ACCESS EASEMENT, LOCATED AT 4332 HIGHWAY 12 (SONOMA HIGHWAY), PARCEL NOS. 032-010-009 AND 032-010-043 (FILE NO. VAC22-002) BACKGROUND: Storage Pro II is an approved project that involves the development of a 3-story, 30-unit apartment building and a 3-story self-storage facility located at 4332 Highway 12 (Sonoma Highway). A Conditional Use Permit for the proposed development was approved on September 19, 2019, and a Design Review Permit was approved on November 7, 2019. On October 7, 2022, the Planning and Economic Development received an application seeking a summary vacation of the subject easement. Vacating the easement is necessary for the construction of the project because no structures are allowed within sanitary sewer access easements. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning and Economic Development Department that the Council, by resolution, approve a summary vacation of a public sanitary sewer access easement located at 4332 Highway 12 to allow the development of Storage Pro II, a 3-stor to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
23-0320 1 Late CorrespondenceCC- CommunicationLATE CORRESPONDENCE   Action details Not available
23-0222 120.1Upcoming Meetings ListCC- Upcoming MeetingsUPCOMING MEETINGS LISTreceived and filed  Action details Not available