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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 10/24/2023 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Council Chamber 100 Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-0682 12.1Closed Session - All UnitsCC- Closed SessionCONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6) Agency Designated Representatives: Maraskeshia Smith, City Manager; Alan Alton, Chief Financial Officer; and Dominique Blanquie, Human Resources Director. Employee Organizations: Santa Rosa Firefighters Association Local 1401, Firefighting (Employee Unit 2); Operating Engineers Local 3, Maintenance, Mechanics and Utility System Operators (Employee Units 3, 13 and 16); Teamsters Local Union 856, Support Services, Professional and Technical (Employee Units 4, 6, and 7); Santa Rosa Police Officers Association, (Employee Unit 5); Service Employees International Union Local 1021, Transit and Police Civilian Technical Unit (Employee Units 8 and 14); Santa Rosa Police Management Association, Police Safety Management (Employee Unit 9); Executive Management (Employee Unit 10); Middle Management and Confidential (Employee Units 11 and 12); Santa Rosa City Attorneys’ Association, Attorneys (Employee Unit 17); Santa Rosa Management Association, Miscellaneous Mid-Management (Employee Unit 18).received and filed  Action details Video Video
23-0766 12.2Closed Session - Bay Cities LitigationCC- Closed SessionCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) Name of Case: Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc. v. City of Santa Rosa Sonoma County Superior Court Case No. SCV-265333received and filed  Action details Video Video
23-0779 12.3Closed Session CPUC JenningsCC- Closed SessionCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) Name of Case: Application of the City of Santa Rosa for Approval to Construct a Public Pedestrian and Bicycle At-Grade Crossing of the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (“SMART”) Track at Jennings Avenue Located in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, State of California. Application No.: A.15-05-014received and filed  Action details Video Video
23-0762 16.1Filipino American History MonthCC- ProclamationPROCLAMATION - FILIPINO AMERICAN HISTORY MONTHpresented  Action details Video Video
23-0778 17.1Update on Russian River Water Forum and Potter Valley ProjectCC- Staff BriefingUPDATE ON RUSSIAN RIVER WATER FORUM AND POTTER VALLEY PROJECT Staff will provide an update on the Russian River Water Forum, which is a grant funded collaborative effort to identify water supply resiliency solutions in response to the planned license surrender and decommissioning of Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E’s) Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project, as well as the recent proposal to PG&E from the Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission, the Round Valley Indian Tribes, and the Sonoma County Water Agency, to create a regional entity that would advance a regional solution for preserving flows in the Russian River and improving Eel River fisheries. No action will be taken except for possible direction to staff.   Action details Video Video
23-0642 111.1Draft Minutes 10/10/2023CC- MinutesOctober 10, 2023, Regular Meeting MinutesApproved as submitted.  Action details Video Video
23-0410 112.1PRR Management SolutionCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - PUBLIC RECORDS ACT MANAGEMENT SOLUTION AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH NEXTREQUEST RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the City Clerk’s Office that the Council, by resolution, approve and delegate authority to the City Manager or designee to execute an amendment to the City’s Existing Order Forms and Agreements (F001873) and any necessary related documents with NextRequest LLC with offices in San Francisco, California, to modify scope, extend for an additional three years, and add compensation in the amount of $35,679.29 for a total not to exceed amount of $118,435.06.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
23-0743 112.2Purchase Order For The Purchase Of Four (4) Hamm Asphalt RollersCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - APPROVAL AND ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF FOUR (4) HAMM ASPHALT ROLLERS UTILIZING THE PRICING FROM THE SOURCEWELL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NUMBER 060122-WAI WITH NIXON-EGLI EQUIPMENT COMPANY, TRACY, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works and Finance Departments that the Council, by resolution: 1) approve a cooperative procurement purchase utilizing the pricing from the Sourcewell Cooperative Agreement Number 060122-WAI; and 2) approve the issuance of a Purchase Order for the purchase of four (4) Hamm Asphalt Rollers with Nixon-Egli Equipment Company, Tracy, California for a total amount not to exceed $268,701.44.adoptedPass Action details Not available
23-0750 112.3BPO with Ramos Oil Company, INC.CC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - BID AWARD - BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER FOR PURCHASE AND DELIVERY OF GASOLINE AND RENEWABLE DIESEL TO VARIOUS CITY LOCATIONS WITH RAMOS OIL CO., INC. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Fire, Water and Finance Departments that the Council, by resolution, approve bid award and issuance of a five (5) year Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) out of a joint solicitation with Sonoma County and other cities that would apply Federalized City BPO Terms and Conditions, with Ramos Oil Co., Inc., West Sacramento, California, to provide for purchase and delivery of gasoline and renewable diesel in various locations for a total amount not to exceed $750,000.adoptedPass Action details Not available
23-0761 112.4First Amendment To Grant Agreement For Homeless Outreach Services Team Catholic CharitiesCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - AMENDMENT TO HOMELESS OUTREACH SERVICES TEAM GRANT AGREEMENT WITH CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE DIOCESE OF SANTA ROSA FOR EXPANDED OUTREACH SERVICES IN DOWNTOWN SANTA ROSA RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing and Community Services Department that the Council, by resolution: 1) approve the First Amendment to Grant Agreement for Homeless Outreach Services Team Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, increasing the contract by $100,000 in ARPA funds appropriated to Homeless Services for a total amount of $1,135,450 for expanded outreach services in downtown Santa Rosa; and 2) authorize the Director of Housing and Community Services to execute the amendment.adoptedPass Action details Not available
23-0695 115.1Water Waste Ordinance Public HearingCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SANTA ROSA CITY CODE CHAPTER 14-21 WATER WASTE REGULATIONS BACKGROUND: The City’s Water Waste Regulations (Regulations), first adopted in 1999 and last revised in 2007, defines water waste and authorizes customer notification and potential water service disconnection in cases of unaddressed violations. Since the Regulations were last revised, best practices and technology have changed necessitating an update to the Regulations. Staff are proposing five key changes to the Regulations that include: 1. Further refinement of the definition of what is considered water waste, 2. Creating a new administrative fine for violations of the Regulations, 3. Creating a new exception process, 4. Creating a new appeals process, and 5. Non-substantive clarifying language. Staff are requesting that the City Council adopt an ordinance that includes these key changes, thereby amending the Water Waste Regulations. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Board of Public Utilities and Santa Rosa Water that the Council introduce an ordinance amending S to waive reading of the text and introducePass Action details Video Video
23-0749 114.1Water Supply Alternatives PlanCC- ReportREPORT - WATER SUPPLY ALTERNATIVES PLAN BACKGROUND: The City of Santa Rosa wishes to diversify and increase its potable urban water supply portfolio to enhance its resiliency to climate change, droughts, or Sonoma Water service interruptions that could occur during catastrophic events. As a result, Santa Rosa Water launched the Our Water Future project and undertook development of a Water Supply Alternatives Plan (WSAP) to identify an adaptive approach to diversifying Santa Rosa’s water supply portfolio and production capacity over time. Because water supply reliability is essential to our community, this project engaged a wide range of stakeholders throughout the effort, including an interdisciplinary team of Water staff, an external group of leaders from local organizations and agencies, the community at large, and the Board of Public Utilities (BPU). With expertise and assistance from Woodard & Curran and with significant stakeholder input, the project team established the study objectives, assessed 18 water supply options, produced a feasibility report, and proposed four portfapprovedPass Action details Video Video
23-0690 116.1Attendance ReportCC- CommunicationQUARTERLY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES ATTENDANCE REPORTS - Provided for information.received and filed  Action details Video Video
23-0815 1 Late CorrespondenceCC- CommunicationLATE CORRESPONDENCE   Action details Not available
23-0754 120.1Upcoming Meetings ListCC- Upcoming MeetingsUPCOMING MEETINGS LISTreceived and filed  Action details Not available