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Meeting Name: Board of Public Utilities Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/18/2024 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Council Chamber, 100 Santa Rosa Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-213BPU 16.1June 20, 2024 - Regular Meeting Minutes - DRAFTBPU- MinutesJune 20, 2024 - Regular Meeting Minutes - DRAFT   Action details Video Video
24-498BPU 17.1Kelly Farm Mitigation BankBPU- Agenda ItemKELLY FARM CALIFORNIA TIGER SALAMANDER MITIGATION BANK UPDATE Staff will provide a brief update on the development of the California tiger salamander mitigation bank on Kelly Farm. The Laguna Treatment Plant (LTP) and many of the city-owned farms are located within the Santa Rosa Plain which is home to endangered species, including the California tiger salamander (CTS), and rare plants, including Sebastopol meadowfoam, Burke’s goldfields, and Sonoma sunshine. When the City undertakes a project located at these facilities, projects need to be designed to avoid impacts to these sensitive species, or the City needs to purchase mitigation credits from a privately held mitigation bank to offset the impacts. Over the last ten years, the cost of CTS credits has continually increased. The City has planned projects that may require significant mitigation credits, including the LTP Flood Protection Project. The purchase of mitigation credits can add a large cost to projects and extend the time that it takes to obtain regulatory permits, thus delaying the start of projects. As an alt   Action details Video Video
24-494BPU 17.22023 Annual Compliance UpdateBPU- Agenda Item2023 ANNUAL COMPLIANCE UPDATE Staff will provide an overview of the Regional Water Reuse System’s applicable regulations, highlight permit requirements, and summarize compliance during 2023. The Board may discuss this item and give direction to staff.   Action details Video Video
24-016BPU 18.1Amendment to PO 164811 - InfoSendBPU- ConsentMOTION - AMENDMENT TO BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER 164811 - FOUR-YEAR EXTENSION AND INCREASE COMPENSATION FOR UTILITY BILL PRINTING, BILL INSERTS, AND MAILING SERVICES RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by Santa Rosa Water and the Finance Department that the Board of Public Utilities, by motion, approve an amendment to Blanket Purchase Order 164811 for utility bill printing, bill inserts, and mailing services to extend for four years and increase compensation in the amount of $561,000 to InfoSend, Inc., Anaheim, California, for a not to exceed cumulative value of $897,000.   Action details Video Video
24-017BPU 18.2Fourth Amendment - Sodium Hypochlorite SupplyBPU- ConsentMOTION - APPROVAL OF FOURTH AMENDMENT TO BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER 164874 - ONE YEAR EXTENSION, PRICE INCREASE, AND INCREASE COMPENSATION FOR SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SUPPLY RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by Santa Rosa Water and the Finance Department that Board of Public Utilities, by motion, approve a fourth amendment to Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) 164874 for sodium hypochlorite supply with Olin Corporation dba Olin Chlor Alkali Products, Tracy, California, to extend for a one-year period with no increase in unit price, and increase in compensation in the amount of $840,000, for a total amount not to exceed $2,495,000, and grant authority to the Purchasing Agent to approve any increases upon six month review, up to a maximum 10% with no additional funds required.approved  Action details Video Video
24-311BPU 19.1Funding Agreement With Sonoma Water Phase 2 Direct InstallBPU- ReportREPORT - FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN SONOMA COUNTY WATER AGENCY AND SANTA ROSA WATER TO IMPLEMENT PHASE 2 OF THE DIRECT INSTALL WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROJECT VIA GRANT FUNDING FROM THE US BUREAU OF RECLAMATION WATERSMART WATER AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY GRANTS PROGRAM BACKGROUND: The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership, a group comprised of 13 utilities in Sonoma and Marin Counties was awarded a total $2,000,000 regional grant from the US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) WaterSMART FY 2023 Water and Energy Efficiency Grants (WEEG) program. Per the terms of the grant, Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) is acting as the grant administrator and Santa Rosa Water would be a sub-awardee. Santa Rosa Water is eligible to receive funding in the amount of $813,933 with a required cost match of $994,848 to complete a second phase of the ongoing Direct Install Water Use Efficiency Program Project for approved residential customers. The Direct Install Water Use Efficiency Program utilizes authorized contractors to directly install a package of high efficiency toilets paired with other water sav to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
24-312BPU 19.2A Place to Play - Amendment No. 2BPU- ReportREPORT - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO PROJECT WORK ORDER WITH GREEN VALLEY CONSULTING ENGINEERS - EMERGENCY WELL PUMP STATION - A PLACE TO PLAY - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION BACKGROUND: The A Place To Play well project includes the conversion of an existing test well to an emergency ground water well and pump station. Construction began in July 2020 with a design based on past water quality data that was obtained when the well was initially constructed. As construction on the conversion and pump station progressed, subsequent water sampling analyses detected arsenic levels above the State maximum contaminant level (MCL) for public drinking water supplies. Construction was suspended in November 2020 to explore water treatment options that would reduce the arsenic concentrations below the regulatory limit. Construction commenced February 2022, and progressed until November of 2022, when an electrical material procurement delay caused the project to fall into suspension. Construction was suspended from November 2022 until March 2024. The 2022-2024 suspension extended thapprovedPass Action details Video Video