| 1 | 5.1 | Draft Minutes - October 30, 2024 | CAB- Agenda Item | Draft Minutes - October 30, 2024 | | |
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| 1 | 6.1 | Community Advisory Board Work Plan and Approval | CAB- Agenda Item | REPORT - COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD WORK PLAN AND APPROVAL
BACKGROUND: In June of 2024, the Community Engagement Manager, City Council, and the Community Advisory Board (CAB) began working to develop an annual work plan for the CAB. City Council members met with their respective CAB appointees to increase communication and collaboration between Council Members and their CAB appointees and to discuss the creation of an annual work plan for the CAB. The work plan presented here is the result of those collaborative meetings.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Communications and
Intergovernmental Relations Department that the Community Advisory Board approve, by motion, the Annual Work Plan for year 2025 and recommend to City Council that, by motion, City Council approve the Community Advisory Board Annual Work Plan for year 2025. | | |
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| 1 | 6.2 | Community Advisory Board Grants | CAB- Agenda Item | MOTION - COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD GRANTS
The Community Advisory Board (CAB) reviews and approves the 2024 Community Improvement Grant Applications. The Board shall award grants to the applicants whose projects best meet the criteria. There are three grants from Q3 and one from Q4, bringing the total to 4 applications eligible for funding, totaling $8,500. The current balance is $16,553.08; if all grants are awarded the remainder balance for the current fiscal year will be $8,053.08.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Department that the Community Advisory Board, by motion, determine the dispersing of Community Advisory Board Q3 and Q4 2024 Grants. | | |
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| 1 | 6.3 | Adoption of 2025 CAB Meeting Schedule | CAB- Agenda Item | MOTION - ADOPTION OF 2025 CAB MEETING SCHEDULE
The Community Advisory Board (CAB) connects city government and residents so the public can have a voice in decisions that impact their lives and build a stronger community. The CAB currently meets on 4th Wednesday of every month, except when otherwise noticed. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and are held in the City’s Chamber Building, located at 637 1st Street, Santa Rosa. City Charter requires that CAB meets at least quarterly. Staff recommends the adoption of every other month meeting schedule as follows:
January 22
March 26
May 28
July 23
September 24
November 19*
*Due to the CAB meetings being close to the holiday in November, staff recommends holding the meeting on the 3rd Wednesday in November.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by staff that the CAB, by motion, approve the 2025 meeting schedule as proposed. | | |
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