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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 9/24/2019 12:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Council Chamber 100 Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-0685 13.1SS - Bldg & Fire Code AdoptionCC- Study SessionREVIEW OF PROPOSED BUILDING AND FIRE CODE ADOPTION Every three years the State of California updates the California Code of Regulations, Title 24 (CCR-T24) including its twelve-component building and safety codes (collectively, the California Building Standards Code). Through the State code adoption cycle, the State of California adopts and publishes amendments to national model codes and updates codes specific to California. As part of these updates, All-Electric Reach codes are being proposed for adoption by numerous jurisdictions to address climate concerns. The City of Santa Rosa has partnered with the Regional Climate Protection Agency, Sonoma Clean Power, Bay Area Regional Energy Network and others to evaluate, analyze and develop Reach codes. Such model codes with State amendments and California specific codes go into effect in every City and County in the State of California 180 days after publication. The new California Building Standards (CCR-T24) was published on July 1, 2019 and will take effect on January 1, 2020.   Action details Video Video
19-0687 23.2Rental InspectionCC- Study SessionSTUDY SESSION ON FEE BASED RENTAL INSPECTION PROGRAM The purpose of this item is to present various options for a fee-based Rental Inspection Program as part of the Tier 1 housing goals to improve the quality of the rental housing stock. Outreach has been made with stakeholders to obtain feedback and recommendations for a successful rental inspection program. Considerations and feedback with California Apartment Association (CAA), North Bay Association of Realtors (NORBAR), tenant advocacy groups, and community organizations will be included in the study session. Subject to Council direction, staff will return in November with a draft ordinance for consideration and potential adoption.table  Action details Video Video
19-0702 17.1Fire Recovery RebuildCC- Staff BriefingFIRE RECOVERY AND REBUILD UPDATE This will be a standing item on the agenda. No action will be taken except for possible direction to staff.received and filed  Action details Video Video
19-0740 111.1Draft Minutes 08/27/2019CC- MinutesAugust 27, 2019, Regular Meeting Minutes.Approved as submitted.  Action details Video Video
19-0683 112.1Contract Award – Coffey Neighborhood ParkCC- Consent - MotionMOTION - CONTRACT AWARD - COFFEY NEIGHBORHOOD PARK RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the Council, by motion, award Contract No. C02267, Coffey Neighborhood Park, in the amount of $2,997,141.77 to the lowest responsible bidder, Team Ghilotti, Inc. of Petaluma, CA, approve a 10% contract contingency, and authorize a total contract amount of $3,296,855.95. The source of funds is the Coffey Park - Park Debris Removal and Soil Remediation account.approvedPass Action details Video Video
19-0671 212.2Hagerty AmendmentCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - SECOND AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HAGERTY CONSULTING, INC. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing & Community Services Department that the Council, by resolution, 1) approve the Second Amendment to Professional Services Agreement Number F001835 with Hagerty Consulting, Inc. of Evansville, IL to update the source of funds from the Santa Rosa Block Grant Fund (Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery) to the City’s General Fund; 2) appropriate $1,299,084.86 of unallocated General Fund reserves in fiscal year 2019-2020; and 3) authorize the Chief Financial Officer to transfer $198,015.14 from the City’s General Fund to the Santa Rosa Grant Fund in prior fiscal year 2018-2019.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
19-0694 112.3First Amendment - ECSCC- Consent - ResolutionRESOLUTION - FIRST AMENDMENT TO GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NUMBER F001021 WITH ECS IMAGING, INC. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Finance and Planning and Economic Development Departments that the Council, by resolution, approve a one-year extension with no increase to unit price to General Services Agreement Number F001021 with ECS Imaging, Inc., Concord, CA for microfilm conversions services, in the amount of $17,600, for a total contract amount of $117,600.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
19-0686 514.1Non-Discrimination OrdCC- ReportREPORT - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SANTA ROSA AMENDING THE SANTA ROSA CITY CODE ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 10-46, HOUSING ANTI-DISCRIMINATION CODE BACKGROUND: The Council of the City of Santa Rosa adopted a comprehensive housing strategy as part of its Tier 1 housing goals. A component of the housing strategy is to adopt a local ordinance that prohibits rental housing discrimination against tenants using Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and other forms of rental assistance. The Department of Housing and Community Services presented a draft ordinance to Council on August 13, 2019. Council requested additional outreach efforts to hear the concerns of rental property owners and tenants using housing subsidies before bringing the draft ordinance back for consideration on September 24, 2019. The California State Legislature approved Senate Bill 329, introduced by Senator Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles), on September 11, 2019. The Governor has until October 13, 2019 to sign the bill into law. SB 329 is very similar to the proposed ordinance, but there are a few differences. T to waive reading of the text and introduce as amendedPass Roll call Video Video
19-0684 115.1PH - Sonoma Hwy Self StorageCC- Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - PREZONE 4200 AND 4224 SONOMA HIGHWAY FOR ANNEXATION BACKGROUND: On August 8, 2019, the Planning Commission (Commission) approved the Recess Self-Storage (mixed-use development) project, subject to Council’s approval of the prezoning. The project includes subdividing the property located at 4224 Sonoma Highway into three individual parcels. Lot 1 is approved to be developed with a four-story, 124,000-square foot self-storage facility; Lot 2 with an eight-unit residential structure overlooking the Santa Rosa Creek Trail, and Lot 3 with a six-unit residential structure adjacent to existing residential development to the west. In addition to the recommendation that Council prezone the two-parcel County island, the Commission approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Tentative Map, Hillside Development, minor Conditional Use Permit. A copy of the approved Tentative Map/Development Plan and renderings are attached to this report. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning Commission and Planning and Economic Development Department that the Council introduce to waive reading of the text and introducePass Action details Video Video
19-0682 214.2SJH RoofCC- ReportREPORT - ADDITIONAL HOMELESS SERVICE INVESTMENTS - CAPITAL AND PROGRAMMING IMPROVEMENTS AT SAMUEL L. JONES HALL HOMELESS SHELTER BACKGROUND: Staff is proposing to use up to $1.6 million remaining from an Affordable Housing Pilot Program Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for capital and programming improvements associated with the replacement of the roof and modification of the large dorm, including activation of a navigation center, at the Samuel L. Jones Hall Homeless Shelter (Shelter). It is recommended that approximately $400,000 of the $1.6 million in NOFA funds will be used towards the replacement of the roof. That $400,000 will be combined with plus $1.2 million in State Homeless Emergency Aid Program (State HEAP) funds awarded to the City by Home Sonoma County, for a total of $1.6 million for the roof replacement. The balance of NOFA funds (approximately $1.2 million) will be used for additional capital and programming improvements to provide increased privacy and accommodations as well as enhanced services to assist with retention of Shelter clients and improved hous to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
19-0681 214.3BVSC ReuseCC- ReportREPORT - DEVELOPER SELECTION AND AUTHORIZATION TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS TO ENTER INTO AN EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE FORMER BENNETT VALLEY SENIOR CENTER COMPLEX BACKGROUND: The Housing and Community Services Department issued a Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/P) to transform the former Bennett Valley Senior Center Complex into affordable housing and/or permanent supportive housing on May 29, 2019. Two proposals were received. An Ad-Hoc Committee comprised of City Councilmembers, Housing Authority Commissioners, and staff reviewed the proposals and recommend selecting the proposal submitted by Freebird Development Company, LLC because it best met the selection criteria described in the RFQ/P and the need for affordable housing production in Santa Rosa. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Housing and Community Services Department and the Bennett Valley Senior Center Proposal Evaluation Ad-Hoc Committee that the Council, by resolution, 1) select Freebird Development Company, LLC, Oakland, CA, as the developer for the City-owned parcels at 702 an to waive reading of the text and adoptPass Action details Video Video
19-0703 120.1Upcoming Meetings ListCC- Upcoming MeetingsUPCOMING MEETINGS LISTreceived and filed  Action details Not available