BACKGROUND: The purpose of this item is to request approval to amend the current FY 2021-22 adopted budget, salary plan and number of authorized positions. This amendment will accomplish several actions. It will 1) increase appropriations for revenue, especially in the General Fund, which has rebounded more quickly than anticipated from COVID-19 pandemic-related losses; 2) increase appropriations to fund Council-approved changes to City labor contracts; and 3) increase appropriations to address critical needs for the last six months of the fiscal year. In addition, staff is requesting personnel changes to support Council priorities and changes in the City’s organization structure.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Finance Department that the Council, by two separate resolutions: 1) amend the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 adopted budget and the FY 2021-22 salary plan and number of authorized positions as set forth in Exhibit A of the resolutio...
Code sections:
15061(b)(3) - General Rule Exemption, 15378 - Not a Project