RESOLUTION - ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER AND SERVER EQUIPMENT FROM DELL, INC. (This item was continued from the October 29, 2019, Cancelled Meeting)
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Information Technology (IT) Department that the Council, by resolution, approve additional funding for the purchase of Dell computer and server equipment through the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) cooperative purchase agreement under the Minnesota WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Award with Dell Marketing, L.P. No. MNWNC-108 and California Participating Addendum No. 7-15-70-34-003 in the amount of $965,000 through the period ending as of the current termination date of the California Participating Addendum or as it may be extended through June 30, 2022, for a total not to exceed amount of $2,465,000.