PUBLIC HEARING - CARITAS VILLAGE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT & PLANNING PROJECT - 431, 437, 439, 465 A Street and 506, 512, 516, 520, 600, 608, and 612 Morgan Street - PRJ18-052
BACKGROUND: Caritas Village is a proposed project that includes the redevelopment of a city block into a comprehensive family and homeless support services facility (Caritas Center) to be operated by Catholic Charities; and, a 126-unit affordable housing development (Caritas Homes) to be operated by Burbank Housing. The project includes the demolition the existing Catholic Charities facilities and residential buildings on the project site, which are located within the St. Rose Preservation District.
Council will consider the certification of the Caritas Village project Environmental Impact Report; an amendment to the General Plan land use designation to Transit Village Mixed Use; a Specific Plan Amendment to include all project parcels within the Courthouse Square Sub-Area and specify roundabout diameter widt...
Environmental Impact Report